5 Plants for your Fall Landscape

Ahhhh, Fall. A time for pumpkin spice lattes, fuzzy sweaters and the arduous transition to winter. But just because summer is over, doesn’t mean you have to let your beautiful landscape go! There are plenty of ways to enjoy your garden throughout this season of transition!

Here are a five of our favorite fall plants that will surely add an autumn finale of color to your landscape and help you usher fall in with style.

Japanese Maple


The Japanese Maple provides a vibrant burst of autumn color with its burgundy and fire-orange shades. There are many varieties of Japanese Maple to choose from, and any variety will be sure to add a burst of color to any fall landscape design. When contrasted without other suggestions, the Japanese Maple makes an eye-popping addition to any garden.

Classic Chrysanthemum


 Chrysanthemums, or “mums” for short, have been known as a classic staple in the fall line-up for centuries. This quintessential fall flower not only makes for a great addition to your exterior fall line-up, but they can also bring an added pop of color indoors when cut or potted.

Decorative Flowering Cabbage


While you may only think of cabbage or kale as members of the food group, they also make great additions to your fall landscape! Their vivid color of decorative cabbage can compliment your other fall plants; creating an intense and exotic picture that lasts even as the weather gets colder!

Mexican Bush Sage


Another fall choice to consider is the Mexican Bush Sage. Like the decorative cabbage, this plant looks great when contrasted with traditional fall colors. It also adds dimension to your garden, as this bush grows up to five feet tall! The soft blooms provide a cooling effect to the traditional fiery colors of fall; resulting in color and texture combinations that are sure to leave you the envy of the neighborhood!



Marigolds are not only known for their bright and inviting color, but they are also easy to care for! Their aroma is intoxicating, and their long-lasting nature makes for a great plant to cut and arrange indoors for those feisty fall get-togethers. Marigolds compliment nearly every palate of color and can be incorporated into nearly every landscaping design.