Building a Community Garden - Improving the Future for a Neighborhood in Need

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"You don't have a garden just for yourself. You have it to share."
- Augusta Carter

Through a unique partnership born from a mutual admiration for culture and the arts, we teamed up with Habitat for Humanity to create their first-ever community garden. Habitat for Humanity, an organization celebrated for empowering families to build a better future, recognized a need to combat the all too common problem of food deserts in the Bayou City and we were thrilled to step in and help.

The Settegast neighborhood is located in an area of Houston where many families are plagued by the unavailability of fresh food and healthy meal choices. The idea was simple: create a sustainable edible garden for the entire Settegast community to enjoy.

The garden is to serve as a community-builder, inviting Settegast residents to work together and enjoy the long-term benefits of growing their very own fresh fruits and vegetables, season after season.

Hand-drawn and rendered garden design

Hand-drawn and rendered garden design

3-D mock-up of garden design

3-D mock-up of garden design

Our team is incredibly honored to have been a part of such a significant project and, over the last six months, we’ve worked closely with Habitat for Humanity and the Settegast residents, making note of their needs and walking them through the discovery and design process.

A successful volunteer day for LBJ & Co!

A successful volunteer day for LBJ & Co!

This innovative concept was built with the backing of Reliant and Wells Fargo, designed by our talented LBJ & Co. team, with supplies provided by The Ground Up. Arm in arm, residents, and volunteers constructed a remarkable focal point within the Settegast community that will serve its residents for years to come.

Following a few false starts in September due to inclement weather (we’re looking at you, Tropical Storm Imelda), the Settegast Community Garden is officially complete!

A beacon of hope, it welcomes community members to get their hands dirty and bond over a common goal, and we can’t wait to watch it grow!

To learn more about the charitable works of Habitat for Humanity and the ways you can help, visit their website today. To partner with the Lanson B. Jones & Company team, contact us at or give us a call at 713-667-0709