Eye-Popping Summer Blooms

Houston weather is coming in hot!

We’re not the only ones that dread the summer heat, our gardens do too and for good reason! Too much sun can be damaging to our gardens and can leave your plants looking sad and dry.

To avoid being a victim of the hot summer days ahead, we created a list of some of our favorite blooms that best tolerate the summer heat.



Also known as the ‘Blanket Flower’, Gaillardia loves hot and sunny spots. It puts on an effortless and long-lasting show of bright, lovely foliage and seems only to require your admiration to keep on!

As long as you’ve got the right place in your garden for it, this colorful bloom will add some much-needed brightness to your garden all summer long



Coneflowers are attractive and rugged flowers that draw butterflies and songbirds to your garden.

Blooming best in full sun, they tend to bloom mid-summer, are relatively drought-tolerant, and can take the heat!  Water your coneflowers regularly at the beginning of the season and watch them thrive throughout the summer!

Serena Angelonia


One of the best container plants for hot, sunny spots, Angelonia produces beautiful spikes of mauve, purple, pink, blue, or white blooms all summer long.

Angelonia is a strong performer whether you’re looking to fill your backyard containers, accents a garden bed, or add contrast to a border.

With these gorgeous blooms in your garden, get ready for summer days filled with color, butterflies, and your neighborhood friendly bees.

Black-Eyed Susan


This popular wildflower tolerates heat and humidity like a champ and blooms from early summer to fall.

Add this native Texan to your garden beds or containers, for an added softness and pops of summery yellow.

Throwing a garden party? Add this cheerful daisy-like beauty to your arrangements for stunning long-lasting floral displays!



The Plumbago plant is actually a shrub, that thrives in the Texas heat.

This showy shrub is prized for its profusion of blue phlox-like blooms it produces for extended periods of time.

With few pests and diseases to contend with, the Plumbago makes for an excellent foundation and accent plant or line a walkway with this blue wonder for a whimsical garden feel.

Whichever summer blooms you fancy, Lanson B. Jones and Co. is here to help you choose the best options for your summer garden.

Give our experts a call today!

For help designing your dream garden, give us a call at 713.667.0709, or follow us on Instagram @lansonbjonesandco, to see more of our favorite summer blooms.

Lanson Jones